Thursday, May 23, 2013

Money & Success Don't Change People; they merely amplify what is already there - Hazrat Ali

Ever wonder why few people change when blessed with position, power,fame and money. This Quote Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib tells you why when God wants to test us, he either 'gives' or 'takes away' money and success. How we react to it tells who we actually are.

Being humbler with success and thankful with failure is the finest demonstration of strong character and pure faith.

Remember we all are equally wise and equally foolish in-front Of God. If He blesses us with something in this world, that's his kindness, not our intelligence.

Action Steps:

The best way to thank God for everything that you have is to serve others with those things, which you have and they don't. How are you planning to serve the world?

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