Tuesday, May 14, 2013

If I have seen farther than others, it is because i was standing on the shoulder of gaints - Issac Newton

Thankyou Mr.Newton for teaching us humility. No one in this world , who have achieved anything, can disagree with the core message of this powerful quote.
 If you think you are more intelligent than your parents, thank them. Be grateful to those who experimented and failed so you had more chances to win.

Life is a drama. You play your part -  but you have no idea on how your part is linked to a character in past and in future. Remain humble to those, who played their part in past and be reason of pride for those to come.

Action Steps:

Make a list of all those people who have contributed to your success. Send them a thank you note. If they aren't alive , sent that note to their loved ones. 
Don't procrastinate. DO it now and you will be blessed more.

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