Sunday, February 15, 2015

8 Ways to Discover Your Passion and Live a Life You Love

“Don’t worry about what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman
I didn’t spend two years and $100,000 for a master’s degree in counseling from an Ivy League university so that I could be miserable and hate my life 50 hours a week, but that’s what happened.
After a few years in the trenches of the non-profit world, my job had become so emotionally draining that it was taking a vicious toll on my health and causing gripping anxiety attacks. I felt exhausted more often than not, and I was scrambling to find scraps of happiness in my previously joy-filled life.
When I took the time to listen, my inner monologue sounded something like this:
“You know you’re not doing what you love. Your life lacks a deeper meaning, and you have no idea what you’re really passionate about. What in the world are you doing with your life?”
I wanted to do more, but I had no idea which path I wanted to take. I felt confused, stuck, and worst of all, embarrassed by my lack of direction. I was treading water as I waited for a sign as to what my next step should be.
As the months continued to pass, I became more aware of how I was wasting time. I saw my life passing me by, leaving me only with regrets and “what ifs.”
Finally, I was brutally honest with myself about my unhappiness and I embarked on some serious soul-searching. I asked myself tough questions and learned what it felt like to be authentically me. I discovered that my unhappiness was rooted in my lack of passion and I slowly began taking control.
Six months later, I launched my own coaching business. A year later, I quit my job, reclaimed my life, and I have never been happier.
But that doesn’t mean everything fell into place perfectly.
Even though I had been building my own business for several months before I left my job, I was still scared. I didn’t know if I would be able to support myself financially or if my business would be sustainable.
In order to build up my savings, there were months of saying no to happy hours and weekend brunch dates, moving in with a friend to decrease my rent, and cutting corners to save every dollar possible.
Following my passion was emotionally challenging and a leap of faith, but I never worried about making the “wrong” choice because I knew I didn’t want to be unhappy any longer, and that was more important to me than any paycheck.
It is terrifying when you feel like your life has no purpose or direction, but finding your passion can change all that. Finding your passion is like finding your personal road map. When you know what your passion is, you feel motivated, inspired, and so much clearer about what your next step should be.

8 Ways to Discover Your Passion and Live a Life You Love

1. Slow down.

When we slow down, we are able to tap into the best version of ourselves, which is most often when we find the answers we’ve been searching for. This might mean practicing yoga, going for daily walks, or setting aside time each day to meditate. Slowing down allows you to quiet the outside voices and listen to yourself.

2. Change your story.

We all tell ourselves stories about who we are, what we’re capable of, and what we deserve. If we can identify our self-limiting stories (I’m not good enough; I don’t deserve to be happy, etc.), then we can begin writing new stories that are grounded in confidence and courage, and map out actions that move us from one to the other.

3. Own your uniqueness.

We are here for a reason. No one else has your unique blend of talents, wisdom, strengths, skills, and creativity. We all have something great to offer, and learning to accept and own what makes you unique is crucial to sharing your gifts with the world.

4. Cultivate confidence.

If we are continually telling ourselves we can’t, then we will never believe we can. There is a chance you may fail, but it will be impossible to succeed if you don’t believe in yourself. You can create affirmations, focus on the things you want, or make a vision board that shows your future success.

5. Find the themes.

Recognizing the recurring themes in our lives creates a pattern for us to either follow or change. What themes or lessons seem to constantly surface in your life? What are you drawn to again and again? What areas of life seem to be full of discomfort and pain? What areas are full of joy and light?

6. Write.

Ideas flow more freely when we write without an agenda. New inspiration may appear unexpectedly and it becomes easier to connect the dots. Spend a few minutes of quality time each day with a pen and paper allowing yourself to process your thoughts without influence from the outside world.

7. Focus on the fun.

Too often we get wrapped up in the expectations we set for ourselves. We focus on the details and the to-do lists instead of what is most important. What do you love to do? What makes you smile? If money were limitless, what would you be doing today?

8. Push past fear.

It’s so seductive to tell ourselves that we’ll go after what we want when we have more experience, more money, or more time, but the truth is, that will never happen. We must identify these excuses as masks for our fear. It’s only when we get clear on our fears and recognize how they are holding us back that we can begin moving forward.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

To Be A Great Champion You Must Believe You Are The Best. If You're not, Pretend You Are -- Muhammad Ali

Stand up for the champion.. Muhammad Ali. I don't think these lines would suit anymore than the legend himself.
Believe is more powerful than reality. You might be the greatest player of all time, and world may acknowledge it as well -  but if you don't believe in yourself [your believe may be shattered because of few bad performances], even an amateur can give you a very tough time.

Few may decode it as being over confident or egocentric. Let me add one more thing to it, Self-believe is only worth it when you have a firm believe in your GOD. Ego is when you "Edge God Out".

Action Steps:

What you want to be? start assuming that you already are!
If you believe you are the world's greatest driver, drive that way.. with pride and responsibility!
If you believe that you are the world's best chef, cook that way.. with class, love and care!
If you believe that you are the world's best teacher, teach that way.. with humility, wisdom and desired to learn more!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Money & Success Don't Change People; they merely amplify what is already there - Hazrat Ali

Ever wonder why few people change when blessed with position, power,fame and money. This Quote Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib tells you why when God wants to test us, he either 'gives' or 'takes away' money and success. How we react to it tells who we actually are.

Being humbler with success and thankful with failure is the finest demonstration of strong character and pure faith.

Remember we all are equally wise and equally foolish in-front Of God. If He blesses us with something in this world, that's his kindness, not our intelligence.

Action Steps:

The best way to thank God for everything that you have is to serve others with those things, which you have and they don't. How are you planning to serve the world?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Price Of Greatness is Responsibility - Winston Churchill

A Well Known author, thinker and a SUFI, Wasif Ali Wasif says that we want to live the life of Pharaoh but want to die like Moses. Beautifully articulated and painfully True!

We all want to succeed but aren't willing to pay the price. There can be no replacement to hard work - no matter how much these modern day gurus teaches us the magic of smart work and shortcut to success.

Reponse-Ability in itself is Greatness. To be able to respond is what differs human from the rest of the creation. Great Parents are those , who take the daunting responsibility of parenthood. Great professionals are those who act responsibly to their professional demands.

Action Steps

Serve a glass of water to your parents or spouse or Husband, before aiming to serve the world..
Take responsibility of grooming and developing an individual .. for that person you'll surely be the Greatest.  God Has given His beauty to His Best Creation The Human Being , He is Only the Greatest In the World , And We have to Analyze ourselves and use the beauty He Had Given to Bring Positivity in this world.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

If I have seen farther than others, it is because i was standing on the shoulder of gaints - Issac Newton

Thankyou Mr.Newton for teaching us humility. No one in this world , who have achieved anything, can disagree with the core message of this powerful quote.
 If you think you are more intelligent than your parents, thank them. Be grateful to those who experimented and failed so you had more chances to win.

Life is a drama. You play your part -  but you have no idea on how your part is linked to a character in past and in future. Remain humble to those, who played their part in past and be reason of pride for those to come.

Action Steps:

Make a list of all those people who have contributed to your success. Send them a thank you note. If they aren't alive , sent that note to their loved ones. 
Don't procrastinate. DO it now and you will be blessed more.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Only A Life Lived In The Service To Others Is Worth Living - Albert Einstein

Have You ever served a glass of water to someone? let someone cross the road before you.. bowed down to pick something for someone.. let someone go on your turn to see the doctor, as the person seems to be in more pain.. if you answered yes to any or all of these, you can well relate to what Albert Einstein had to say. Service may have positive effect on the person being served, but its magical experience for the one who serves.

Unfortunately, to taste the fruit of service , you need to SERVE. I wish my words could do that for you - but trust me.. its a fruit worth tasting a billing times in your lifetime.

Let me Confirm by serving others, you treat yourself with God's Blessings.