Saturday, June 1, 2013

To Be A Great Champion You Must Believe You Are The Best. If You're not, Pretend You Are -- Muhammad Ali

Stand up for the champion.. Muhammad Ali. I don't think these lines would suit anymore than the legend himself.
Believe is more powerful than reality. You might be the greatest player of all time, and world may acknowledge it as well -  but if you don't believe in yourself [your believe may be shattered because of few bad performances], even an amateur can give you a very tough time.

Few may decode it as being over confident or egocentric. Let me add one more thing to it, Self-believe is only worth it when you have a firm believe in your GOD. Ego is when you "Edge God Out".

Action Steps:

What you want to be? start assuming that you already are!
If you believe you are the world's greatest driver, drive that way.. with pride and responsibility!
If you believe that you are the world's best chef, cook that way.. with class, love and care!
If you believe that you are the world's best teacher, teach that way.. with humility, wisdom and desired to learn more!